Therapy Process

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Ultimately, what is stopping you from living your best life. Living most fully vibrantly and freely and most at ease.

Leading with your values and allowing them to be our compass to guide

What do YOU value what do YOU desire what do YOU want more of in your life - allow these things to be your compass to guide you and your decisions along the way. So many of us are walking though life without a compass

What are some of the things stopping/blocking/holding you back/ keeping you from living your most…life….

We often try and cater to, appease, want to please…others around us and apart ourselves so that others are happy, valid, and good intentions….sometimes we actually loose focus of or don't even know what we really want/love/enjoy/find satisfying or pleasing - shift ourselves to please other expectations…so want to please everyone else but forget about ourselves, lose ourselves ….

Maybe we were taught that it's selfish to pursue what we desire, maybe we were told our passions, interests, desires were frivolous….try to meet standards ands expectations of others but at what cost…

It makes abundant sense that we ….we all want to belong, we want to be liked and to fit in. For much of humans existence, survival meant fitting in! But as the abundantly wise brene - True belonging doesn't require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are" And that is just what I'd love to help you to do.

We learn to adapt ourselves in ways we feel we "should" be and stop

So much of what we are surrounded by encourages us to stay in our heads…to live the check list life. If I do a b and c I'll be happy and fulfilled
We need to get back in tune with our body and ultimately our innate intuition. Learn to trust this sense. Our body also holds onto so much of our hurts and traumas so being able to tune in and release…

Getting out of our heads and starting to tune into what our bodies hearts and spirits are seeking, saying, needing….

Find and Start listening to that inner knowing that…

What to expect

What to expect…an supportive, nurturing….environment to receive…. Together we can discern
Work at the speed you are needing…


Gently nudge forward

Run along side

Always supportive and encouraging no matter how quickly


A space of no judgement, criticism

A space to be heard, understood or maybe to help to gain understanding

Healing, growth at your pace

Comfortable in many realms


If you are looking for a list of to dos that will "fix" all your problems then I am not the right fit for you…

if you are looking for a process that is unique to you and catered to your individual unique needs then I may be the right person….