Meet Tia Turner

Who am I? I am someone very much like you who is also on a journey to myself. To best understand the essence of my practice, I feel you need to know a bit of my own story and what lead me here as this is where my passion arises from and is the foundation of my vision.

As an adult, I’d done all the things I thought I was “supposed” to do to be happy. I tried to plan the perfect life and control the outcomes of the white picket fence, happy family life type situation.I also got immensely good at discerning what everyone else wanted and figured if I could make everyone else happy then I’d be happy because all my people were happy, makes sense, right?!  But, of course this doesn’t work, for so many reasons and also created space for great disappointment, resentment and ultimately self abandonment.  What I was actually doing was slowly shutting off parts of me and becoming who I thought everyone else wanted me to be. Over time I built a castle or fortress that was in some ways safe but was also so isolating, lonely, numbing and devoid of much of anything really. I was living a shell of a life. Fortunately, things eventually crumbled, or rather exploded, and the carefully constructed fortress I had built was left in pieces.

As I sat in the rubble of my former life I remember having a clear choice. Do I build back up the castle walls and live safety within them or, do I sit amidst the vulnerable, messy, yet beautiful pieces and bravely start to discover a new way of being. As you can guess, I chose the later and thus began the journey to discovering who I was underneath all the fears, conditioned beliefs, values, “shoulds” and armour I’d been carrying for so long. I dove into the exploration of what I loved apart from everyone else around me, what brought me joy, contentment, delight, ease and deep fulfillment.

I remember being so scared as I started this process but what was more terrifying was going back to how I was and this greater fear has continued to propel me forward. The process has been abundantly messy and awkward but one of the things I’ve learned about myself is I love messy and awkward because it usually also means genuine, authentic and vulnerable, three of my favourite things.

I also started to create space and stillness for that voice within, my inner knowing that has all the wisdom. Over time, as I became acquainted with and started to trust it, more space was created for it to become stronger and more familiar and now is my guiding compass and at the centre of all my decisions, one of which was to change careers and follow my heart  It is my absolute pleasure and delight to walk beside clients on their own journey to self. Each and every one looks and feels different but each has moments that bring so much joy as I have the privilege to witness and celebrate another’s journey.

Who am I outside of my work? I love nature, I often stare in awe at the beauty, magnificence and at times simplicity of it. I talk to plants and trees, mountains and creatures on walks. Yes, I do, ask my walking friends! I love adventure, trying new things and meeting new people but I also abundantly enjoy and cherish my solitude and stillness. I strive to live openheartedly, to love deeply and to stay true to myself. But ultimately, and what is important for my work, one of my very favourite things is being able to walk along side and witness others discovering.

Have I got it all figured out? Definitely not, I also get overwhelmed by anxiety and stuck in ruts of resistance and stagnancy. I avoid things I know are good for me and don’t always make the best choices, because, I am above everything else a human, just like you and am far from perfect.

True belonging doesn’t require us to change who we are, it requires us to be who we are. 

         – Brene Brown

What you can expect

You can expect to be welcomed into a supportive, nurturing, non-judgemental environment. 

A space to be heard, understood and encouraged with a gentle nudge when needed. 

A collaborative process in which we work together to discern the right direction for you. 

Whether you are new to therapy and just dipping in your toe or someone desiring a much deeper dive, you will be met where you’re at and walked along side for as far as you’d like to go.

If you are looking for a check list of to dos that will “fix” all your problems then I am not the right person for you…if you are looking for a process that is unique to you and catered to your individual unique needs then I may be the right fit.

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom – Aristotle

What Does the Process Look Like?

In some ways it’s quite simple…together, we look at what isn’t working for you and then try and figure out what is needed to have things work better!

To break it down a little more though, it may look something like this:

We start with the basics of why are you here? This may be a very simple reason or something very complex or unclear. Whatever it might be, we’ll try and get a good or at least starting sense of what that is.

We then start to look at what you might want differently. If you were on the other side of this “thing”, what might your life look like or how would things be different. 

Next, we would likely look at the “why” of it all which is really what you value, underneath all the conditionings and “shoulds” we build up in our lives. Once we start to get a sense of this, you can use this as a compass or guide moving forward. 

Then comes the figuring out our roadblocks and what is stopping us from living the life we really want to be living. 

And finally, we get to the in the trenches type work of gently making the changes to move closer towards the life you are seeking. 

Of course, this is a very simplified and linear list and the reality is that every single path or journey is different and each person has different ways in which suits them best. We also usually cycle in and out of these various layers as you take steps forward and discover more, or new things pop up, which them most always do. My job, is to adapt and adjust to every client to ensure I am supporting you, in the way in which best serves your unique journey.

My Modalities

It is so very important to acknowledge that each journey is unique, which is part of the beauty of this work for me. I have many areas in which I draw from and am rooted in but I love the creativity in each individual story.

Some of the modalities I pull from and am guided by:

Trauma informed and led practice – above all else

ACT – Acceptance and Commitment Therapy


Person centered




Internal family systems